- 11. Make Boot Hard Disk. May also Boot USB, if system supports. See 10. If message dosfstools is installed, result fat16 fat32 in Menu-System-GParted. GParted Partition Editor, delete all /dev/hda-lines (attention, all data will be lost), unallocated right-mouse, New, New Size "2000", File System fat16, Add. Next partition "2000" File System linux-swap, this partition for best SliTaz-work, may use for any temporary works. Next partition New Size round number without 2000-rest, example "3000" of 5500-size or "70000" of 75000-size, the rest 2500 or 5000 will be under work of Windows, File System ext2, Apply, Apply. On /dev/hda1 right-mouse, Manage Flags, boot, Close, close Gparted, reload. Perform fdisk.exe "/mbr 2" (Ctrl-Enter, "/mbr 2"). Perform format.exe "d:", "yes", Enter without volume label, reload. Start load floppy-image FreeDOS, perform sys.com "d:". Copy all to D (Alt-F1, C, Alt-F2, D, "+", Enter, 2Insert, F5, files command.com and kernel.sys may overwrite), reload. Start load bzimage of SliTaz 2.0, File Manager, CD, Site right-mouse, Copy, GB Volume, right-mouse, Paste, take out Boot CD. If not take-out, Menu, System Tools, Mount devices, umount CD. Reload. If error A20 Debug C806 done, use BADGRUB.EXE (Make Boot CD, Grub4dos-link). Start back to FreeDOS, Esc. For history up-down, for commands "?" (Shift-?) fdisk.exe "/?" (example), for large text fdisk.exe "/?>1.txt" (1.txt, F3), reload. Start load bzimage of SliTaz 2.0, File Manager, GB Volume, Site, start index.htm. Install SliTaz. Press down-link 1. If not SliTaz-page, see next link. Press iso, 2.0, slitaz-2.0.iso, save. If not saves, burn this iso (index.htm, BootCD-link), put, reload, Menu, System Tools, SliTaz Installer. Paste iso-file to 20 (GB Volume, SLITAZ, 20). Terminal, "su", "root", "mount /media/disk/slitaz/20/slitaz-2.0.iso /media/cdrom". Start SliTaz Installer, Enter, "hda3", 3Enter, Esc (close GRUB-window). For reinstallation installed GB Volume, Tool, Open Current Folder as Root, delete all, again install. May install Windows (commercial), reload, start load floppy-image MS-DOS, perform sys.com "c:", after installation reload, start load floppy-image FreeDOS, Alt-F1, C, delete command.com and kernel.sys, Alt-F1, A, perform sys.com "c:". Reload. Start load HD SliTaz, first GB, Site, start index.htm. Update Firefox, Terminal, "su", "root", "tazpkg get-install firefox". Install Wine, "tazpkg get-install wine" (may stop Ctrl-c), "y" all missing (will be one red WARNING, this normal). File Manager, installed GB, var, lib, tazpkg, installed, wine, files.list, see installed files. For reinstallation "tazpkg remove wine", may leave installed files or delete.
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- Library Culture